Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What would you grab?

If your home caught on fire and you could only grab one thing (knowing that your children and husband are out of the house) what would you grab?

I would grab the quilt that my grandmother made me. When we found out that I would be moving to Missouri she started making it. I had picked out the fabric and she did the rest by hand. She hand stitched every detail. I love this quilt! It is so beautiful. And when I am feeling a little homesick I will wrap myself in it and think about all the wonderful times I have shared with my grandmother-Nanny. I strive to be like her everyday. She has battled so much and she keeps on going. When I go to visit we can sit and just talk about anything. I love her so much.


Nel said...

Our pictures! Our maybe just my computer base thingy... b/c I haven't printed pics since April :S

Chrissy said...

I would grab my wedding album. And if I could reach it, a box of pictures from before I had a digital camera. I can't imagine losing pictures...I guess that's one material thing that I hold so dear.

Jess said...

I would grab my wedding pictures and my girls baby books. If I had time to go back in I would get the 2 quilts my great grandmother made me too.

Bld424 said...

I wonder if I would grab our photos/computer/DVDs of memories... or if I'd have the presence of mind to even grab my phone to call 911!!

If I had time and could get up into the attic, I would get my antique Christmas ornaments. They can kind of be replaced... but... I love them so much that it would be hard to see them burn to a crisp!

Do you use the quilt for warmth ora decoration?

Tina said...

grrr.... IDK -
baby books, my computer base (good one nel ;o) ) maybe my purse w/phone, wallet,
can I take my filing cabinet too????
I need those papers.....