Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome 2010!

This last week Jim went to a Blues game which I wasn't to crazy about him going, because our house is falling apart. Before he left I told him that this weekend he has to stay home, not go into the office and work on this house. He agreed and told me to make him a To Do List. (BIG mistake on his part) So 2 pages later he has his list.

As usual Jim worked New Year's Eve night. So I went to bed around 10. He got home really late, so I decided that Bailee and I are going to Washington. I figured he could sleep in and at least start on the list. The biggest To Do was to fix our back door. For some reason the door knob was stuck and he had to take the door completely off the hinges. I knew having Bailee and me there would not be a good thing. We went to Target and Kohl's. I got the new Wii Fit Plus game. And other stuff clothes, hairspray, etc. When I got home he had 4 things completed! I was just hoping for 2 things. We have been working on the rest of the list today. Which makes me so happy! I love marking things off. Speaking of marking things off I bought magnetic Weekly To Do List tablet. I have cleaned off my counter top and thrown away tons of stuff. I really feel sorry for the garbage man, you know that everyone reorangize and throw stuff out during the coldest part of the year.

Anyways here is my To Do List for 2010:

1. Keep going to Weight Watchers.
2. Keep working on our debt! We are so close
3. Start training for the 5K in June! Yes I am going to do this, even if it kills me.
4. Eat at home more. We have been eating more at home, but I would like to see that we only go out 2-3 times a month and that includes fast food.
5. Make weekly to do list. I know that if I can make the list it gets done!
6. Potty train Bailee! (I am really nervous about this, so any suggestions would be appreciated!)
7. Help Jim get his crap organized!
8. Enjoy outside more! Hopefully we will be getting a fence, which will help out!
9. Buy new clothes!
10. Be a better friend and mom!


Nel said...

When I potty trained Libby I got her a potty chair around 18 months... and asked her when I went if she needed to go and let her sit on it anytime she wanted to. It was hit and miss for a long time. (Oh and we got cute panties after awhile) But right after her 2nd b-day (I mean like a week or two) it was like she had decided thats what she was going to do!

I didn't pressure her and let it be more her idea... she was super easy!

Good luck!

Tina said...

ahhh .... I will need potty advice with Owen, probably.
Ryan I took potty every time I wen from about 16 months on. Then we went on vacation.
We rode in a car for approx. 16 hours.
And half way there - he decided he didn't like pee in his pants.
So he started telling me and voila.
Potty trained every since.
(Minus the Owen poop thing)
So take her on vacation ;o)
And write it off as a potty training necessity!

Chrissy said...

This is awesome advice from my favorite blogger. I actually wanted to give up with Sarah until I read this: