Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Do you ever look at pictures on Facebook or on a blog and think man they have it together! Or how can they afford that house. I recently became friends with my second cousin and I was looking at her pictures and I was a little jealous. She has a big, beautiful home and 3 cute kids. Please don't get me wrong I am grateful for my home and family, but when you see others with more it really makes me feel like I don't have it together. I don't have my dream house or the 2 kids that I want. Now, I know that possibility of me having another child is very slim and getting my dream home is not going to happen anytime soon. So why do I feel this way? Why can't I be content with what I do have? Am I just not happy with myself or is it the material things in life that desire? I sit here and think that I need to be thankful and improve what I have. I have a vision of what I want my house to look like, but we just don't have the money right now to do the things I want. We are in the process of paying off 2 credit cards, 2 school loans, a car and both of our moms. Which I figured it out will take at least 2-3 years. Why couldn't I have started this getting out of debt thing earlier in life? For those that are just starting out in adulthood please don't go in debt, it is so not worth it!


Bld424 said...

I hate that grass is greener on the other side mentality! I struggle with this a lot.

I have to stop myself and tell myself: Compare, despair. When I start to use someone else as my measure stick for how I am doing, I always feel poorly about myself.

Chrissy said...

I struggle with this, too. You are not alone.

Nel said...

Yes this happens to me... it used to happen a lot more often. But I am slowly trying to get more comfortable and happy with our situation since we will be in this house for the next 5 years, and our finances are starting to turn around. But there are many times that I do and have looked at pics and wished and been sad about what I have and they have.
But keep working out of debt! That will be great!!!

Jess said...

I too get a little jealous when I see what looks like the "perfect" family, but I know from my recent blog post that no one ever feels perfect. It really helped me to not feel so down about my situation when so many commented that they have felt or feel the same exact way.

Tina said...

I think we all know I have some material-thing-envy ;o)
Hang in there - I keep thinking it will get easier b/c I try not to want it - but it doesn't for me ... bummer :(