Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I know that y'all are probably tired of reading about my weight loss struggles. So if you don't want to here about it, you can skip this post.

I have been going to Weight Watchers for 2 months and I am proud to say that I have lost 8 lbs. I know that it doesn't sound like a lot, but I am proud of what I have accomplished. In those 2 months I didn't gorge myself in Halloween candy, I didn't blow it during Thanksgiving and I went to Texas not overeating.

I have set some short and long term goals for myself.

Short term to lose 3 more pounds before the end of the new year.
Then my next short term goal is to be ??? by Jim and I's anniversary in March 21st. (Sorry I am not yet comfortable telling the whole world)

Long term goal is by my birthday to be at 1?? ! I have decided that when I get to my goal I am going to take all-and I mean all-of my clothes to the Caring Center and I am buying a new wardrobe. I can't tell you the last time I went clothes shopping for myself. I know that it has been at least 3 years ago.

I have never felt this motivated before. I can truly see progress. I have been also keeping a measurement journal and I have lost a couple of inches as well. I am surprise that I am staying on track even though it is holiday time. The one thing I am struggling with is exercise. I just dislike this time of year. I don't like the cold weather and how early it gets dark. I really miss walking at night. I have tried to get up earlier and exercise with the FIRM videos but I can't get out of bed. I hate that this time of year has this control over me.

So one more thing I am hoping that comes with this weight loss is my periods. I haven't had a period in a year and a half and that one was induced. I noticed some crapping, so maybe it is on its way! I know I am weird that I get excited when Mother Nature comes calling. I have this crazy fantasy that I will lose this weight and get pregnant. That would be a dream come true.

Well I hope that everyone has a terrific week. And if I don't blog before Christmas, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Bld424 said...

I hope your dream comes true, too. Remember, even if you think you've blown it and the change in your life/diet/exercise is over, you can always do the NEXT right thing. (its my favorite advice to give myself!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim its Amy..Just wanted to say-You Go! I know you can do this just remember winter won't last forever. I am so proud of you! By the way I finally got on board with the whole "Live Like No One Else" can't remember the name of the book. Thanks to the both of you for sharing it with us.

kimberly said...

Amy-Thank You. I am so glad that y'all are on board. So when we go on our next cruise we will have something to celebrate! Please keep it touch.