Monday, January 5, 2009

Vacation Over

Today, is Bailee 6 month checkup. I can't believe that it has been 6 months already. She is getting up on all fours, so crawling is definitly in our near future. The last couple of days she started this thing, she makes this clicking sound with her tongue. I plan on taping it this week, it is so funny. I am also excited because we are finally getting back to our normal lives. Jim and I are going back to work and Bailee gets to see her friends. Actually I think I am more excited to see Bailee's friends than she is. I can't wait to see how big everyone has gotten.

So I have made a list of my to-do's for 2009
1. Clean and keep it clean the office.
2. Have a garage sale.
3. Stay motivated on our debt diet.
4. Eat better.
5. Be a good mom.
I figured that if I at least accomplish number 5 on my list nothing else will matter.


Tina said...

you're right #5 is the most important....
when do you want to have a yard sale, maybe we could get some others motivated and do a neighborhood type thing, ok not the whole neighborhood but a bunch of us :)

kimberly said...

That sounds great just let me know when you would like to have one. I know that Kristi and I have been talking about it for a while. Just give me a call.

Tina said...

NOW!!! LOL!!! No really before the baby comes!!!! I don't know, when were you thinking????
I know mom wants to get rid of alot of stuff, so she will probably have one early- ......
I know old iron works weekend is supposed to be a great weekend to have one....but that is a long ways away.... We had one in mid- May last year and I made a killing, let me know when you think you will be ready :)

kimberly said...

Well I really don't care I know with the baby coming I didn't know. So I am pretty flexible with whatever, I was thinking a friday and saturday what do you think? Or just one day. It is totally up to you. Do you want to have it at both of our house or just one? This is my first garage sale so I am pretty green on things. Any suggestion on what to price baby clothes? Bouncy seats?

Tina said...

definately friday and saturday :)
I think we should have as many houses as possible :)
I know Crawford's always have one, I think my duplex neighbors will have one if I Tell them, the people across from Crawford's are friends with them and they usually have a yard sale the same weekend, The lady across the street will, Michelle Southard has been wanting to - I bet Chrissy across the street from you might..... we could get alot I bet and the more sales, the more people come.
Baby clothes-
I do 25 cents for onesies and t-shirts 50 cents for pants, jeans and sweat shirts, 75 cents for sets and 1-5 for coats, 50 cents -1dollar for shoes, if it is really nice and name brand (nike hoodies, levi jeans, etc I mark it .75-1.00)

I sold my bouncy seat from Ry last year for 15, it vibrated and had the lights and music :)

Any other questions???
I ALWAYS do adult clothes for 25 cents because they are SO HARD to sell.....

Tim has a bunch of furniture to sell too.... he prices it from 5-20 dollars ;)

we have a ps1- for 20
ps2 for 40
sound like anything you need :) ????
I don't care when, when do you want to do it??? Spring - ish????
What do we think about end of May???

Tina said...

I can make fliers once we nail down a date and pass them out, have the neighbors call if interested, and post an ad on rollanet and in the paper!

kimberly said...

End of May is great!! I can let Kristi know and maybe she can let the neighbors on the other side of her know. Jim and I are selling his PS2 on ebay with the games and we have had 4 bids and will get at least $81 for now hopefully it will go up. If you want to put it on ebay I can help you with it. It does cost, I think the max is $5. I was looking at the calendar what about May 22-23 I believe that is the weekend before memorial day. Thanks for the suggestion on the prices that is what I thought. I love the idea about passing out fliers let me know and I will help. I have off every thursday and friday, so just call me. 263-3049

Tina said...

22-23 is PERFECT, actually the weekend I Was going to suggest ;)

The baby should be at least three weeks old and Ryan's birthday party is the next weekend - so YAY!!!!!!

ok, so - I will def. need help with fliers, as I will have a newborn :)
I will make them up print them out and then we can take them around the last weekend in April???? unless I have a baby by then.... then we may have to do it the next week, that we will just have to play by ear, but close to a month before the sale!!!!!
PS _ I really like the people next to Kristi too .... they are super nice, he is a riot ;)

ok and ps2 is Tim's and I dont know if he wants to do ebay or not, but I will tell him Jim will help him if he wants to, I think he mainly wants it out of his room ;)