Friday, January 16, 2009


I finally got over 8 hours of uninterruped sleep last night!!! Jake didn't get in bed with us last night and Bailee slept until 7:30 this morning. I feel like a new person. Jake is our dog that is 10 years old. He must of ate something that he is allergic to. His neck swelled and he itched all over, but today he is doing fine. I love my dogs and the thought of losing Jake someday is very upsetting. Bailee loves Jake to, she tries to pet him but she mostly grabs his ears and tail. Jake however doesn't like Bailee touching him. I try to mediate the situation. Jake has never snipped at her, just growled. When we brought Bailee home for the first time we let Jake sniff her and when he was done he looked at us and I am telling you if dogs could talk he said "Is it staying?" He just left the room with his head down. I have had many dogs over time and Jake will always be my baby.

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