Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valentine's Day

I went to work today and went to the Valentine's aisle. I can't believe the stuff they have for this holiday. They have a stuff animal that sings "I'm too sexy..." and a huge card that plays 1 song for $10 for that price you could go buy a whole CD. Back to my point. I love Valentine's Day, yes you should always make your significant other feel important all year long, but really do we do that everyday? Too much of life gets in the way. Lets face it Jim is not nor never will be the romantic type. So I usually look forward to this day. It is usually not the gifts that I enjoy it is the cards that I love. Knowing that he sat down and thought of his feelings about me and wrote them out, is better than anything singing stuff animal.


Ashley said...

Wow! We have never and will never do Valentine's Day! I hate how over rated and over publicized it is! I would love a heart felt card from my husband on any other day of the year though... :0)

kimberly said...

Maybe you should have a Un-Valentines Day. Give Lincoln a card of how you feel the day after V-day and maybe he will do the same.

Ashley said...

Good idea! I just might try it!