Friday, July 30, 2010

Update 7-30-2010

I had a great week! Well, anything would be great compared to last week.

Well like I had mention in my last update post, my life change took a huge leap! I got my transcripts back and I have well over the required 60 hours, so I don’t have to take any college courses. I am not exactly sure if I am going to like being in a school for 7-8 hours a day, so I am going to sub to see if the school thing is for me. I have decided that I am going to keep my job that I have now, due to the fact that it covers Bailee and I’s insurance, and it is still a steady income. I am applying for sub jobs in St James and maybe Cuba? We will see.

Jim and I had a date night Tuesday! I really wanted some BBQ, but we ended up at Applebee’s instead. I just really like the steak with the shrimp and cheese on top. I also had an alcoholic beverage, Jim just laughed at me because I was light headed after one drink. We took the back roads home and just talked it exactly what I needed. Husband and wife time!

So I guess the last thing I need to talk about is my running or the lack of. I did run twice this week. I set my alarm for 5:10 every morning but I can’t get out of bed, which is very unusual for me. I am a morning person! Anyways, Sunday is August 1st the beginning of a new month and a new start for me. I found this great idea from another blog. I got a calendar page with a scene of the beach on it and for everyday I exercise I put a sticker on that day. I love this idea, even though it might be a little corny. One because the beach theme calendar page reminds me that the next time I go on a cruise I want to be skinnier than I am now. Two, it is a great way to visualize what I have accomplished for the month. I also found a motivational calendar too that I printed out. I plan on putting one up in the bathroom and kitchen. I also hope to talk to a trainer in the next few weeks? We will have to see how the money situation is on that one.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Talk to you soon.


Nel said...

I think the motivational calender is a great idea!!! Maybe I should find that link too...

Bld424 said...

I like that meal at Applebee's too.
I wish I was going on a cruise!
I am starting a calendar, too, to help motivate me. I might use stickers! It is very corny but actually, I think it will work!
I am excited to hear how you like subbing. I personally love teaching, but don't like to sub. At all.

kimberly said...

My mom was a teacher, but has retired and she now subs. She said she doesn't like it either, because she is goes in the class room with the mind set as a teacher and the kids don't see you as the teacher but someone there babysitting.