Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What would you buy?

I got some birthday money! And I am not sure what to get? I got $50, I am thinking about getting something just for me, like a outfit or perfume, but then I really could use a new frying pan. So I am taking suggestions? Practical or not?


Bld424 said...

Go to an antique mall and find something neat for you! Then you can put it up somewhere and always remember your birthday.

Or buy the perfume you love... and hopefully get it at a bonus time! I loved to do that when I got Clinque Happy Heart in college. Bonus time was great!

I think the frying pan... eh. Its not for YOU!

Nel said...

Well... if you love to cook and cook every night and would totally appreciate the frying pan - I would get that!

But... if you could go without - slurge on YOURSELF!!! You totally deserve it :o)

Jaimee said...

So what did you end up getting Miss Kim?