Friday, November 6, 2009

WIW-a New Begining

Well I am sure that y'all thought I had forgotten or given up my weight loss battle. Think again! I am still fighting. A couple of weeks ago I decided to do Weight Watchers. My mom has been on and off doing the program for years. She has always told me to give it a try, I just couldn't justified paying someone so I could just weigh-in. The program is very simple you can eat whatever you want but with in your points.

So I had a long talk with myself, yes I sat in my room with the door shut and actually talked out loud. (maybe if I get my weight under control I can work on my mental state) I decided that I am going to do it.

So I signed up on the internet and called my mom. She was so excited! She has started back up too. I was getting excited as well. They have meeting in Rolla 4 times a week. I was even more happy when one of the meetings is on Tuesday mornings. I always have to work in Rolla on Tuesdays, so how perfect. Luckily I can leave work and come back when ever I want to. I know that if they had only offered meetings at night I would find a reason not to go.

The first meeting I felt like crap. I have been fighting a sinus infection or something, so I weighed in and stayed for the meeting. I was suppose to stay and talk to get acquianted with the program, but I didn't. I did okay that first week. I did slip up a couple of times and didn't write down what I had eaten, but I got back on the wagon. The second meeting I was really nervous. Did I lose any? Or am I wasting my money. Well I lost 3 pounds, I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but for me and the week I had had, I was very pleased.

I am on week 3 and yesterday I had a bad day. I didn't plan out my meals. I had to make dinner for Jim's meeting. So I went to McD's. And of course while I was in the drive thru and you know who saw me. She texted me and told me she saw me. I felt so bad, and after I whooped down the double with cheese I felt sick. Really sick.

But today is a new day. So you won't see me at McD's the rest of the week. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I only sent you a text because I felt guilty as well!!! ;o) And it's SO SAD that you can say "you know who" in reference to McDonald's and I'm guessing that most of your readers could figure out who you mean!!!!!!!

It's funny when people see each other and think, "Oh, crap...they saw me," without realizing the other person is thinking the same thing! :o)