Friday, November 27, 2009


I hope that everyone had a good and safe holiday.

Our Thanksgiving was celebrated at Jim's Aunts house in Pierce City, Mo. It took about 3 hours to get there and back. We had a nice visit, but for some reason it didn't feel like Thanksgiving. I don't know if it was the fact it was the first without Jim's Grandfather, me missing my dad, or the weather. I don't know. It just didn't feel like a holiday. The holiday just seemed to pop up this year.

I remember my grandparents always saying when I was a kid how time flies. And being a kid you think right, whatever. But the older I am getting the more that is true.

One of the things I am thankful for are for my friends that I have made in the past year. I have gotten to know so many people this year and it has been great. I am also grateful for is that my friend had another wonderful holiday with her son, that is battling cancer.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Nel said...

I have had several holidays like that... my parents announced they were getting divorced 3 days before Christmas 5 years ago.

ps I love your new background! Super cute!!