Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Last Blog of Jon and Kate...

How many of y'all watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 series finale?

I did. I had debated to watch or not, but then I figured I might as well watch it now because you know they will be rerunning it over and over. That is one thing about TLC, just wait a couple of hours and you will see it again.

Anyways my heart went out to Kate or any woman that goes through a mans mid-life crisis. Why do some men have mid-life changes? Were they not honest with who they are at the beginning of the relationship and now realize that they are sick of being something they aren't? Or are they being selfish? Anyway you look at it, it sucks. It is like one day your husband wakes up and your world has literally crumbled. You don't know what to do. You want to fix it with all your heart, but then you are so mad at the same time you just want to hit someone or something. Getting over the anger is so hard and somedays you just don't get over it.

And yes I am sure that there are women out there that have mid-life crisis. But it seems that most of the time the men go through it or that is all you hear about.

When a man and a women decide to have a family, we (meaning the women in the relationship) think that it is a team effort. And you expect your man to be around through the bad and good moments of parenting. When Kate was talking about driving somewhere and looking over at the passenger seat thinking that Jon should be driving, her partner.

Yes Kate was no angel and how she treated Jon wasn't the best, but I still think they could have worked on there relationship a little more than giving up as fast as they did. I think for the kids sake they should have shown that they tried to work on their marriage. I how do you go from renewing your vows to seperation in a year? I don't get that.

I know that divorce happens and I am grateful that my parents stayed together. I learned from them how to deal with the good times and bad and how to work out our problems. And there are issues that can't be overcomed, but you must move on.


Chrissy said...

I'm not sure I have ever felt so compelled to jump through the TV and punch someone as I did last night watching Jon.

Nel said...

I watched it. It is so sad to me. Corey and I feel like later down the road they will get back together. It sure does seem like Jon changed so much all of the sudden... my heart hurts for Kate. It kills me to think about those poor little kids... I just hate it for them.
Part of me thinks the TLC took part in this... I think they could have shown more happy times then Kate yelling at Jon. I heard that TLC offered Jon and Octo mom $1million a piece - a piece - to get together and let them have a show about them... Don't know if that true. But makes me angry that TLC would do that to a family.

Anyways sorry for the long comment... but I agree with you, super sad.

Mindy said...

I second what Chrissy said.