Friday, March 6, 2009

Fun Friday

So ever since I knew that I wanted to be a mom, I always wanted to make sure that I created memories for my child, like my mom did. So I came up with "Fun Friday". The rules for "Fun Friday" is that anything goes, a day that Bailee and I do whatever we want. A day where laundry, dishes, a clean house, or any other chores don't have to be done. We can spend this time together or with friends just as long as we are together.

Our first "Fun Friday" was spent with Ashley Redburn and her crew. We flew a kite, blew bubble, and took a long walk. Bailee was taking her nap during the flying the kite and bubbles but she loved the walk. My favorite part of the day was just being with Bailee, good friends and laughing.

I look forward to many more Fun Fridays.


Ashley said...

me too! it was a great day and I look forward to many, many more! :0)

mom said...

Keep it up girl, your doing great!!!