Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Friday 3/20/2009

This Fun Friday=FF we made a Easter Egg Tree. When I was a little girl I remember my mom always having one. She would blow the eggs and we would dye them. I knew that when I had kids this was the one tradition that I had to keep. So I recruited Hunter and Libby, as Bailee crawled on the floor and we made the egg tree. We had such a great time, and it was educational as well. The kids helped me count how many drops of dye to put in and they practiced on there colors. I also drew some hearts so that when the egg was dyed they would appear and who ever got that egg got to keep it. I had a great time and can't wait to do this next year when Bailee is a little older.


Chrissy said...

Cute! Caleb saw the picture and said, "I wish we had an egg tree!" Looks like I might have to give it a try! :o)

Tina said...

Looks cute!! you really got a jump-start on easter :)

I hate blowing eggs, btw, so we will not be partaking in the egg tree ;) Maybe I will send my kids over next year to do it with you since you do such a great job!

Anonymous said...

I would love to do a neighborhood arts and crafts project. And if you need someone to blow the eggs I am a pro. Ashley has pictures.