Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Tuesday Morning.

Last night, Jim and I kicked Jake(our dog) out of our room last night, because Jake is a bed hog and I wanted to have a good night sleep.

So this morning Jim got in the shower first, because he had to go in early, no big deal it is Tuesday! A little different routine won't hurt? So I finally get in the shower and realized that Jake was in bed with us last night! I know I didn't let him in the room last night so I asked Jim? Nope he didn't either! I yelled at Jim, "Go check on Bailee" I was thinking someone came into our house and kidnapped Bailee ! No, she was in here room sleeping. RELIEVED! Still not sure how Jake got in the room, but whatever?

Tuesday is trash day, so got the trash ready and saw that the neighborhood hoodlum dogs got the neighbors trash strung out everywhere! I was mad! I knew that the neighbors weren't home so they aren't going to pick it up, so I decided that before I leave for work I would at least kick it together as best as I could for the trash men. I finished getting me and Bailee ready. I kept reminding myself don't forget your wallet that is in the computer room. (Had to buy my airplane tickets for my Texas trip because my wallet is ALWAYS in my car!)

So Bailee and I are headed out the door!

phone-check in hand
wallet-check in hand
Coat for Bailee-check on her
Keys-check put in pocket
pen-check put in pocket
money-check put in pocket

Went and put Bailee in the car seat. Oh yeah, be a good neighbor and kick there garbage together for the nice trash men! DONE!

Get the keys from my pocket and off to the babysitters (she lives in Valley View, and for those you don't live here that is about 5 miles from my house)

On the way to the babysitter I look down to find my phone and my wallet, crap! Where did I leave it last? Did I put it on the trunk of the car? No if I did I would have seen it before getting in right? Did I put it on the washer and dryer when putting Bailee's coat on? That is it! That is where it should be, so after dropping Bailee off go back home!

So I go back home and open the door and no wallet or cell phone! Oh shit!!! Yes I said it and own it! I did leave them on the back of my car! Okay no big deal! It is early in the morning and it is rainy and cold so no one is really out and about. I drove up and down our street 10 times before I saw my phone in 3 peices. No problem I need a new phone! Put it back together and it works for the most part. So my wallet must be close. My wallet is a clutch and the clasp is broken so it doesn't shut so all of my coupon and gift cards will probably be tossed out and a little easier to spot. I parked the car and walked up and down Sidney no wallet. I did see a gentleman walking so I got back into the car and asked him if he saw a blue wallet. Nope!

What to do? Go ahead and drive back to the babysitter and see if the wallet stayed on the car when I turned onto 68! Because a wallet can't stay on the car that long. No wallet. Kept driving through town and over the railroad tracks, it couldn't stay on after going over the railroad tracks? No wallet! At this point, I was like I might as well go all the way to the babysitters house I am so close. I turned on DD, which has a 'S' curve and there it was MY WALLET! I couldn't believe it! The only thing that was out of it was the gift cards. And I was able to find them. I was overjoyed!

I just hope that when I was driving through town with my wallet on the back of my car, someone had a really good laugh!


Nel said...

So glad you found everything! What a morning you had... I hate losing things, except Corey is usually the one losing things and then I have to find them for him, lol!

Ashley said...

That's awesome!

Tina said...

How awful! Would explain why you didn't answer when I called about that time this morning....
Hope your day got better!

Jess said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe you had to go that far to find it! I'm really glad you did though!

Bld424 said...

Phew. Happy ending! Once my wallet was found in the middle of this HUGE street, and someone had brought it to our bank because they saw our bank card and the bank called me. Whoever found it only took the three dollars in cash I had, and I got the wallet back within thirty minutes of it falling out of my car!

Another thing - one time I saw a guy driving with a laptop on top of his hood. Oops for him.