Thursday, October 30, 2008


I don't understand why things happen. I have a friend who's son has cancer and they have a web site on Caringbridge. I also read about a little boy Gunner, who had the same cancer as my friend's son. Well Gunner died last week. Even though I had never met Gunner I was heart broken. His mother wrote and still writes everyday about her son and the battle he went threw everyday. I don't understand why God would make such a horrible disease and especially in young children. My heart goes out to all of those mothers and fathers who have to deal with this everyday. When they should be in the park riding a train with there kids instead they are in the hospital getting treatment. I think about my friend and her family and pray for them everyday. When you think you have a rough day with your job, husband or kids remember those families that are in a hospital at that moment getting the news that there child or they are very sick.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I totally understand your confusion, just try (as hard as it is) to remember that God doesn't "give" children (or anyone) diseases like that - bad things like that have developed because man introduced sin into the world. God never intended for us to live like we are, He just gave us free choice...yuck. :0) I will continue to pray for the little boy's family and your friend's family!