Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bailee 4 months

Bailee turn 4 months November 1. We had our checkup yesterday and the doctor said she was perfect, which we already knew. She is doing great and we will be starting baby food today!! I can't wait for the mess.

I want to give a shout out to my mom. Mom thanks for everything you have done for me in the past few months, I would not have gotten through them without you. And thank you for giving me a great childhood. I hope that I can give Bailee everything you gave me. Kris and I are very lucky to have such a great mom. Mom I love you.

1 comment:

mom said...

kim and bailee, Thank you for the compliment about being such a great mom. However, it is easy when you have a great daughter. I am so proud to be able to tell people that we are very close and talk everyday about just about any and everythin you can think of. I enjoyed being your mom especially during your high school years. I will never forget the day you called me at work and told me you were skipping school to go to the lake and if the school called me to tell them that you were taking nannie to the doctor. I even agreed to do it. Only because the people you were going with were some of the greatest friends i could wish for my daughter to have. Remember to always be there for Bailee and when she needs you to listen always be there for her no matter how busy you may be. Love you lots,