Saturday, August 21, 2010

Being an officers wife

Being a police officers wife or really a wife to any emergency personal is hard and frustrating, but I have excepted this way of life. But there is one thing I can't take anymore!


We have to sleep with it on! Most of the time I sleep right through it, no problems! But sometimes I wake up a bazillion times, especially during storms and the someone is on that radio non-stop. And of course, being the noisy person I am I have to listen and find out who got pulled over, who was in an accident or what alarm is going off. And then when no one is talking for 10 minutes I finally start drifting off and bam someone is back on! And they don't speak normal, they speak in numeric code half of the time. And yes after 12 years I finally learn some of the codes, but come on just say yes or no! Do you really need numbers for that? (Those are the ones I get confused on) Then you never find out what happen in the end. I mean did the officer write them a ticket, was there someone hurt in the accident, or did they catch the person sitting off the alarms? Really it is like reading a great mystery novel and the last 2 chapters are missing!

And then when you are trying to have a conversation with him while on duty, you never get there full attention. Which can work in my favor! But most of the time it is frustrating and no he won't turn it down while I am talking to him.

So as you can probably tell I didn't get enough sleep last night and I had to write out my frustration this morning.


Jaimee said...

I definately know what you are talking about! Been there, done that with the fire dept.

kimberly said...

I am so glad someone ele knows a little bit of what I have to tolerate with.