Wednesday, September 1, 2010


After a lot of thought I am leaving the blogging world behind! I love the friendships and the people I have gotten to know and I cherish them all. I have been feeling like I really can't be my true self on here. I have had to censor myself so much that I am not being honest about who I am, feeling very fake. I don't regret those friendships I have made and hope that those people stay in my life. If I don't ever get to talk or see some of you I wish you all the best!



Bld424 said...

BOO to the goodbye, but HURRAY! to the being honest to yourself. I totally get that! I've been less than honest about a few things lately, too, and its bothering me.

Can you still come to the Chinese restaurant, PLEASE??

Nel said...

Booooooooooo but that means we just have to keep in touch through get togethers and FB :o)