Friday, November 27, 2009


I hope that everyone had a good and safe holiday.

Our Thanksgiving was celebrated at Jim's Aunts house in Pierce City, Mo. It took about 3 hours to get there and back. We had a nice visit, but for some reason it didn't feel like Thanksgiving. I don't know if it was the fact it was the first without Jim's Grandfather, me missing my dad, or the weather. I don't know. It just didn't feel like a holiday. The holiday just seemed to pop up this year.

I remember my grandparents always saying when I was a kid how time flies. And being a kid you think right, whatever. But the older I am getting the more that is true.

One of the things I am thankful for are for my friends that I have made in the past year. I have gotten to know so many people this year and it has been great. I am also grateful for is that my friend had another wonderful holiday with her son, that is battling cancer.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Last Blog of Jon and Kate...

How many of y'all watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 series finale?

I did. I had debated to watch or not, but then I figured I might as well watch it now because you know they will be rerunning it over and over. That is one thing about TLC, just wait a couple of hours and you will see it again.

Anyways my heart went out to Kate or any woman that goes through a mans mid-life crisis. Why do some men have mid-life changes? Were they not honest with who they are at the beginning of the relationship and now realize that they are sick of being something they aren't? Or are they being selfish? Anyway you look at it, it sucks. It is like one day your husband wakes up and your world has literally crumbled. You don't know what to do. You want to fix it with all your heart, but then you are so mad at the same time you just want to hit someone or something. Getting over the anger is so hard and somedays you just don't get over it.

And yes I am sure that there are women out there that have mid-life crisis. But it seems that most of the time the men go through it or that is all you hear about.

When a man and a women decide to have a family, we (meaning the women in the relationship) think that it is a team effort. And you expect your man to be around through the bad and good moments of parenting. When Kate was talking about driving somewhere and looking over at the passenger seat thinking that Jon should be driving, her partner.

Yes Kate was no angel and how she treated Jon wasn't the best, but I still think they could have worked on there relationship a little more than giving up as fast as they did. I think for the kids sake they should have shown that they tried to work on their marriage. I how do you go from renewing your vows to seperation in a year? I don't get that.

I know that divorce happens and I am grateful that my parents stayed together. I learned from them how to deal with the good times and bad and how to work out our problems. And there are issues that can't be overcomed, but you must move on.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What it must be like?

So today Bailee and I went to a birthday party. And some of the mother's talked about getting pregnant. I have always wonder what it would feel like to have your child inside of you. I believe that being pregnant is a beautiful thing. I have never touched a pregnant belly before. And to be honest I don't want to, because I don't think I could emotionally handle it.

The 'experts' say if woman with PCOS would lose weight and get as close to there ideal weight ovulation is more likely to occur. Not that in the past I hadn't tried, but with the cost of infertility treatments and the stress that I was under weight never came off. I figured the stress level is down because we have Bailee and for the most part we have accepted that our family is complete. But we always talk about how great it would be to have another baby. So if I ended up pregnant it would be absolutely amazing. But if it didn't happen I would be okay.

I also find it fascinating that women are 10 years younger than me with kids older than Bailee. And I wonder what it must be like to be 20 something and knowing your family is complete. And that you have so many wonderful years ahead of you. When Bailee graduates from high school I will in my mid 50's, scary. And I really don't think 50ish is old, but it is still 50. I am not saying that I would changed how my life has turned out, but I wonder what kind of mother I would be if I was younger.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All Over the Place

I have been at this computer at least 5 times starting a new blog. But I get started then I think do I really have anything to say?

I started blogging about Jim and the thought of his new job. Then I remember that he doesn't like it that I blog about him and he doesn't even read my blogs. However, he finds out what I have written and I don't what to have another 'argument'.

Then I started to talk about our trip to Texas. I realize that there isn't much to say. We drove all day there, saw family, and drove all day back home. By the way I had a great time and it was a beautiful wedding.

Then I thought I should give an update about Weight Watchers. Okay I lost 6 lbs. the first 2 weeks, went to Texas and gain 2 lbs. back. However I am back on track! And very excited to see how much I lose before Thanksgiving. I really enjoy going to the meeting, loving the support.

I started a blog about the holidays. But then I got depressed because my father's birthday falls on Thanksgiving. So this year it is really going hard to say yes I am Thankful, which I am, but I want my Daddy here.

My last blog I tried to write was about. How other lives can change so fast. At church I found out someone had gotten married and I didn't even know there divorce was final. My mouth hit the floor. I was just so surprised!

So there you go 5 blogs in 1. I hope that y'all have a great week and a better weekend. I will be so happy when the sun comes out!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Sesame Street!

When I was growing up I remember watching one show and that was Sesame Street. I was so shocked to hear that it turn 40! I didn't realize that it was only 4 years older than I am. I had a Cookie Monster stuff animal, he was my favorite besides Big Bird. I love this show. I am so glad that it is still on, so that Bailee can watch and learn from it. We watch it together everyday that I am off. I think I enjoy it more than she does sometimes. I love how they will take a 'popular' song and change for kids to learn from. I just can't say it enough I love this show and I wish I could go to Sesame Street.

Friday, November 6, 2009

WIW-a New Begining

Well I am sure that y'all thought I had forgotten or given up my weight loss battle. Think again! I am still fighting. A couple of weeks ago I decided to do Weight Watchers. My mom has been on and off doing the program for years. She has always told me to give it a try, I just couldn't justified paying someone so I could just weigh-in. The program is very simple you can eat whatever you want but with in your points.

So I had a long talk with myself, yes I sat in my room with the door shut and actually talked out loud. (maybe if I get my weight under control I can work on my mental state) I decided that I am going to do it.

So I signed up on the internet and called my mom. She was so excited! She has started back up too. I was getting excited as well. They have meeting in Rolla 4 times a week. I was even more happy when one of the meetings is on Tuesday mornings. I always have to work in Rolla on Tuesdays, so how perfect. Luckily I can leave work and come back when ever I want to. I know that if they had only offered meetings at night I would find a reason not to go.

The first meeting I felt like crap. I have been fighting a sinus infection or something, so I weighed in and stayed for the meeting. I was suppose to stay and talk to get acquianted with the program, but I didn't. I did okay that first week. I did slip up a couple of times and didn't write down what I had eaten, but I got back on the wagon. The second meeting I was really nervous. Did I lose any? Or am I wasting my money. Well I lost 3 pounds, I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but for me and the week I had had, I was very pleased.

I am on week 3 and yesterday I had a bad day. I didn't plan out my meals. I had to make dinner for Jim's meeting. So I went to McD's. And of course while I was in the drive thru and you know who saw me. She texted me and told me she saw me. I felt so bad, and after I whooped down the double with cheese I felt sick. Really sick.

But today is a new day. So you won't see me at McD's the rest of the week. I hope everyone has a great weekend.